Delivery Addresses
Delivery addresses record the actual delivery address for a sale, which might not always be the same as the purchasing customers address. Delivery addresses are also referred to as shipping addresses
- Once a delivery address is set and the sale completed, the delivery addresses cannot be altered.
- Delivery addresses may be related to taxation status of the sale. Exports of sales are sometimes tax exempt
- Delivery addresses are only recorded if explicitly set, they do not automatically appear.
Consider a customer with a primary address of
- They come into your store and purchase some items. These sales get recorded without a delivery address.
- The customer phones an order in and it is couriered to them. If the salesperson enters/accepts the delivery address of 123 Baker Street at time of sale, it is stored
- The customer comes into store and purchases an item. They request you ship that item directly to their parents house. The delivery address saved is that of the parents house.
- When searching for delivery addresses of this customer, it now shows all defined addresses (those you have explicitly loaded for a customer) and all used addresses. (those "one offs" such as the parents address)
- The customer moves, and changes their address to
14 Rua Place . All historic sales do not change and continue to show the original address
Database Storage
The field sales.deliveryphyskey points to the table sale_delivery.physkey, which is the exact address used for this sale
Known addresses are stored in the table contactdetails, and linked to customers/accounts etc via contactdetailsmap
The setting
PosConfigSetup.DeliveryAddressesis set to 1 to enable multiple delivery addresses per customer/account.
The setting
PosConfigSetup.SaleDeliveryis set to 1 to enable recording of delivery addresses against a sale.
Normally PosConfigSetup.SaleDelivery is always enabled when using delivery addresses, with PosConfigSetup.DeliveryAddresses being enabled if you want multiple delivery addresses per customer