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Pinboard API

The pinboard API is focused on providing a single statistical value. Many pinboard values can also be retrieved from other APIs as well. Pinboards are typically used by clients that only require a single value, or do not have extensive processing capabilities. This pinboard API can access the same range of pinboards as the Excel addin function pinboard()

When calling the pinboard API, the name paramter indicates which pinboard you are wanting to retrieve. This individual pinboard can then receive up to 6 specific parameters, p1 to p6, to select a finer level of detail. Each pinboard will interpret the p1-p6 parameters differently.

Conceptually, pinboards are similar to calling a database stored procedure to retrieve a single value, but they are implemented in the business logic layer of the application.

Simple Example

Retrieve the current number of Parked sales for all stores

  "data": {
    "Result": 12208,
    "DataType": 4,
    "DataTypeStr": "integer"

Retrieve the current number of Parked sales in the database for store #4 alone

  "data": {
    "Result": 116,
    "DataType": 4,
    "DataTypeStr": "integer"

Retrieve the description of product #22

  "data": {
    "Result": "**A125-6066 Gazelle S",
    "CanBulk": 1,
    "DataType": 12800,
    "DataTypeStr": "string"