Excel Reporting
Library Overview Reference Products Images Sales Stock Departments Formal Stocktake Restrictions Customer/Account Day Of Week Time Of Day Weather

Restrict by Weather

This restriction is currently experimental. We are trialing various ways to let you select weather conditions. Mostly the problem is around granularity . When does overcast change to drizzle and change to rain, or heavy rain. How do we use that information without overly complicating Excel formulas?

Some pinboards are able to select a subset of data based on the weather at the time of sale. This means you can use date selectors to select a large range and the time of day restriction to select a subset. For example if you enter a date range of "1-jan-2023 to 1-feb-2023 and weather=rain" then only values where the weather was raining at the time will be used.

Collecting Weather

Weather data is not collected by default, to enable collection and recording

  1. Go into your settings, select "Analytics" and enable weather collection
  2. For each store you wish to collect, edit the defintion and ensure you have valid and correct latitude and longitude values entered.

Available on

  • sales.count.period
  • sales.rawrevenue.total
  • sales.rawrevenue.notax
  • sales.rawrevenue.tax1
  • sales.count.layby
  • sales.count.parked


Weather is not a simple progression from sunny to raining. Retailers typically want to know "sales when sunny", vs "sales when raining", but what if the weather is inbetween? Weather samples retrieve a code, shown in the table below. In Excel you can query for a single weather code, or using a keyword, which amalgamates several codes.

1003 Partly cloudy
1006 Cloudy
1009 Overcast
1030 Mist
1063 Patchy rain possible
1066 Patchy snow possible
1069 Patchy sleet possible
1072 Patchy freezing drizzle possible
1087 Thundery outbreaks possible
1114 Blowing snow
1117 Blizzard
1135 Fog
1147 Freezing fog
1150 Patchy light drizzle
1153 Light drizzle
1168 Freezing drizzle
1171 Heavy freezing drizzle
1180 Patchy light rain
1183 Light rain
1186 Moderate rain at times
1189 Moderate rain
1192 Heavy rain at times
1195 Heavy rain
1198 Light freezing rain
1201 Moderate or heavy freezing rain
1204 Light sleet
1207 Moderate or heavy sleet
1210 Patchy light snow
1213 Light snow
1216 Patchy moderate snow
1219 Moderate snow
1222 Patchy heavy snow
1225 Heavy snow
1237 Ice pellets
1240 Light rain shower
1243 Moderate or heavy rain shower
1246 Torrential rain shower
1249 Light sleet showers
1252 Moderate or heavy sleet showers
1255 Light snow showers
1258 Moderate or heavy snow showers
1261 Light showers of ice pellets
1264 Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets
1273 Patchy light rain with thunder
1276 Moderate or heavy rain with thunder
1279 Patchy light snow with thunder
1282 Moderate or heavy snow with thunder