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Browser Test Page

This page runs through a number of tests on your browser to verify it is broadly compatiable with Fieldpine Point of Sale

You should not be able to see this message. If you can then either you have Javascript turned off or your browser does not support

You cannot use Fieldpine Point of Sale.

Javascript Required Features

These features are all required or this browser will struggle with many pages







Javascript Desirable Features

These features should be present to get maximum usability.



Await Promises




Indexed Db


Javascript Optional Features

These features are used in specific places and while not strictly currently needed are definitely nice to have, or may be required in the future

Fat Arrows





Cryptography support is sometimes used to securely store data in the browser. Mostly not having cryptography will mean you may not be able to access functionality without a working internet connection


Geolocation is sometimes used to ensure devices are physically where they are meant to be. It helps protect against devices moving from store #1 to store #2 without being reconfigured


WebAssembly is a different way of programming browsers and has several benefits, including permitting much more intelligence in the browser.

Barcode Detection

Some browsers are able to use the camera as a barcode scanner.

Visual Output

Date Input

Native date input uses the browser to enter dates which can be much more user friendly. Without this support users may need to type dates to the correct format

The next two blocks should be beside each other


Optional Visual Output

These tests will show if your browser supports some extended visual features but will not stop you from using Fieldpine Point of Sale

The next two blocks should be beside each other, with rounded corners. One with a red shadow and the other with a green shadow

Uses px measurements
Uses em measurements